Hi Everyone!
Trunk or Treat last Sunday was fantastic!
It was one of our best outreach events ever! We counted a little over
1200 people once we started counting, and that's not counting the 100 or
so members already on site at that time. I had the pleasure of meeting a
few hundred guests, and without fail they were excited about and
genuinely appreciative of the quality of the event and the hospitality
of our members. It was fun watching them interact with our members who
were making kids smile, passing out candy, grilling hot dogs, passing out snack bags, making cotton candy, working
the hay ride, parking cars and so much more. After the event was over
everyone who sponsored a trunk meticulously cleaned up their spot while
dozens of other volunteers cleaned up and put away everything else.
Great job everyone! Let's keep praying that our unchurched guests will
take the next step soon and visit on a Sunday morning.
Construction Update:
We've had a busy week on the construction site. Our site contractor
finished installing the silt fence to protect the site from erosion. He
also built a berm on the top of the hill to divert stormwater from the
west parking lot away from the building. The mechanical contractor
temporarily relocated all of the existing HVAC units to the top of the
building where they will stay until the construction is complete and new
units are functioning. The back sidewalk was removed to prepare for a
new electrical service installation and the building addition.
Attention Parents!
We have a security fence around the construction site, but it's not kid
proof. Please tell your children to stay off the site. If you see other
children inside the fence, politely ask them to leave. We don't want
anyone to get hurt playing on equipment or snooping around the site.
This Sunday we will have baptism in both services!
It is such an honor to baptize people. I love watching them go public
with their faith in Christ. It's a strong witness to unchurched family
and friends. My message this week is entitled "Counter Cultural" and
comes from Acts 19:11-41. Read ahead and see if you can find the
countercultural link.
See you on Sunday,